Hi everyone, it’s Lauren again from Education Wise and in this episode we will be talking about distribution, promotion and technological convergence.
Let’s begin...
Distribution is the making a product available to the public/ target audience. Distribution is also advertising/ promoting a product to the public/ target audience.
Because of this it persuades people to view the film, which in turn earns a higher profit.
The distribution of my product has been impacted by technological convergence because it allows Warp Films (an independent company) to get their films (like Tyrannosaur) to their audience for cheaper than if they were to use old media methods (like the film reel), which was very expensive.
The distribution of my product has been impacted by technological convergence because it allows Warp Films (an independent company) to get their films (like Tyrannosaur) to their audience for cheaper than if they were to use old media methods (like the film reel), which was very expensive.
Technological Convergence:
This is made possible by web 2.0.
Web 1.0 use by scholars only ad was used as the read, write web. This is different now because of websites and enables for people to communicate. Web 2.0 is referred to as the interactive web.
Technologies come together and this provides new services for the audience (smartphone- phone, computer and web). Also it allows more users to gain access to products like my film.
The first example of this is piracy. This happens on websites that allow people to view a film without paying the fee that you would normally have to and this is an example of new media. An example of a website that allows piracy is putlocker.
The audience can go on piracy websites such as putlocker to watch or download Tyrannosaur. This is not beneficial to Warp Films because the company will not generate profit from people viewing/ downloading the film, which could create financial ruin. A negative to this for the audience is because often, the quality of the film is not as good as purchasing it or viewing the film legally.
The audience can go on piracy websites such as putlocker to watch or download Tyrannosaur. This is not beneficial to Warp Films because the company will not generate profit from people viewing/ downloading the film, which could create financial ruin. A negative to this for the audience is because often, the quality of the film is not as good as purchasing it or viewing the film legally.
The second example of this is to view the film in an Independent cinema like Showroom Cinema. This is a way for independent companies to distribute the product to the audience cheaper than in a cinema that is part of a conglomerate (an example of this is Cineworld). This digital method of distribution is classed as new media.
This way of distributing the film Tyrannosaur is commonly used by Independent Companies such as Warp films. This is because it is generally cheaper to show the film in this type of small (this is generally true as with Showroom cinema) cinema. This also makes the film cheaper for the audience to view as well as it makes it cheaper for the company to produce (in comparison to distributing the film in a cinema that is part of a conglomerate as they are generally more expensive).
The third example of this is streaming films legally, on websites such as Amazon. This digital method would be categorised as new media.
The ways that will most be used by the company Warp Films would be streaming online legally. This is because it is cheap to do and it allows the company to generate profit from the film. It also helps to gain a wider audience (nationally) and helps to gain a wider profile for the company.
The fourth example of this is downloading the film (legally)and this can be done n websites such as Amazon. This digital method would be categorised as new media.
Downloading the film (legally) will benefit the film company because by legally downloading the film, they are exchanging money for the ability to view the finished product, which in this case is the film Tyrannosaur. This will benefit the company because they are able to generate profit from the film.
The final example of this is viewing the film on television on Channel Four (as a part of their joint venture).
Joint Ventures are used between Warp films and Channel Four/Film Four. This is because the companies often work together to promote films this is also done for the film ‘This is England’ by the same company). This benefits Warp Films because it promotes both the film and the company. This is beneficial because it allows them to gain a larger audience and gain a larger profit.
The impact of Technological convergence on an independent company (such as Warp Films), is quite positive. This is because advertisement has been made easier to access (on mobile devices such as mobile phones) and cheaper. This helps to make the cost of creating the product cheaper, which in turn helps to generate a larger profit.
The marketing for the film Tyrannosaur was beneficial for the company after its release. This is because the initial budget was £750,000 and the profit generated was £243,252 in the UK as of 1st of January 2012. This shows that the promotion of this film was worth it because it generated a large profit.
Other forms of advertisement for the film actually comes from the audience through social media and such as Facebook and Twitter. This is done where a member of the audience has seen the film and say that it is good and recommend that people watch it. This is a good form of advertisement because it is free for the company and a wider audience will be more likely to view the film because it is a unbiased opinion made by another audience member.
Another form of advertisement that allows the audience to make comments about its appeal is on the film trailer (that has bee posted on websites such as YouTube). This would be beneficial to the company because it costs them nothing for impartial opinions of the film (which are mostly positive in the case of tyrannosaur).
This benefits the audience because these opinions on the film may persuade the to watch the film if they were not sure about if they would enjoy the film. From this, the comments would encourage them to view the film and this ay cause them to post an honest opinion on this.
An example of a positive audience review was found on YouTube under the official trailer for our film:
Other forms of advertisement for the film actually comes from the audience through social media and such as Facebook and Twitter. This is done where a member of the audience has seen the film and say that it is good and recommend that people watch it. This is a good form of advertisement because it is free for the company and a wider audience will be more likely to view the film because it is a unbiased opinion made by another audience member.
Another form of advertisement that allows the audience to make comments about its appeal is on the film trailer (that has bee posted on websites such as YouTube). This would be beneficial to the company because it costs them nothing for impartial opinions of the film (which are mostly positive in the case of tyrannosaur).
This benefits the audience because these opinions on the film may persuade the to watch the film if they were not sure about if they would enjoy the film. From this, the comments would encourage them to view the film and this ay cause them to post an honest opinion on this.
An example of a positive audience review was found on YouTube under the official trailer for our film:
Reviews on this were made possible because of technological convergence and web 2.0. This is because it allows the audience to connect with each other and influence each other about a product (in this case a film). This has also been impacted because it allows a mass audience to be heard by producers so that they can get a better idea of he films hey enjoy.
An example of old media used for advertisement used for the film Tyrannosaur is a promotional posters that would be seen around the local area such as Leeds (where Tyrannosaur was filmed) or Sheffield, where many independent films are shown. This would be beneficial for the company because it allows people to see the film in the street and may cause the audience to be intrigued and want to see the film.
The promotional poster was often put up in public places, where may people would see them. An example of this is that in Sheffield it was displayed in the Showroom cinema window.
An example of old media used for advertisement used for the film Tyrannosaur is a promotional posters that would be seen around the local area such as Leeds (where Tyrannosaur was filmed) or Sheffield, where many independent films are shown. This would be beneficial for the company because it allows people to see the film in the street and may cause the audience to be intrigued and want to see the film.
The promotional poster was often put up in public places, where may people would see them. An example of this is that in Sheffield it was displayed in the Showroom cinema window.
Olivia Coleman, who is a well know actress, played the part of the films female protagonist and did several interviews to promote the film. Many of these interviews were done to be distributed online on websites like YouTube where it can be seen by a large proportion of the films target audience.
A example of an interview by Olivia Coleman and the film producer Diamard Scrimshaw can be seen on You Tube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qt6yabUzaSc . This interview was based around making the film and about being happy about the film winning a BIFA (Best Independent Film Award) in 2011.
Peter Mullan is an actor who plays the male protagonist in the film Tyrannosaur and did a few interviews to promote the film. Many of these interviews can be found online on videos such as You Tube. This is because it has been seen by a large portion of their target audience.
An example of an interview by Peter Mullan and Paddy Considine for sundance in 2011. This can be seen on the You Tube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTnjGUekFYo. This interview is about Peer Mullan talking abut his character and the transformation he undertakes throughout the film.
That's all for today.
Thanks for joining today. Next time we will be looking into Legal and ethical issues.
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